Our Achievements

Major Initiatives and Achievements (till Dec 2016)

Disaster Management

HEDCON has been working with more than 200,000 unorganized labourers in four mineworker areas having sand stone, marble, clay, salt and granite mines, in Western Rajasthan. HEDCON with its network organizations has been able to create 5 mineworkers unions which has membership of more than 25 thousand mineworkers. Some of the major achievements in ensuring the rights of mineworkers are as follows.

Drought Advocacy

HEDCON acted as a link between grass root initiatives and government relief programs resulting in better management of relief and rehabilitation efforts, during the drought periods from 2000-2004.


Research & Documentation

HEDCON has accomplished a large number of surveys and researches on human rights, social issues and environmental management.

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Policy Advocacy & Networking

Based on the physical symptoms, HEDCON undertook a mass drive for examination of mineworkers for identification of silicosis by private doctors.

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Awareness & Capacity Building

Based on the physical symptoms, HEDCON undertook a mass drive for examination of mineworkers for identification of silicosis by private doctors.

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Technical Assistance

Based on the physical symptoms, HEDCON undertook a mass drive for examination of mineworkers for identification of silicosis by private doctors.

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